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Jun 22, 20234 min read
Day 5: summary of introduction to machine learning
Machine learning is the science of getting computers to learn without being explicitly programmed Supervised learning Supervised learning...
Jun 21, 20232 min read
Day 4: Learning rate
The posts on the machine learning series are notes from the Machine Learning Specialization course offered by and...
Jun 20, 20235 min read
Day 3: Gradient descent (part 2)
Gradient Descent Gradient descent is an algorithm that you can use to find the value of w and b in a more systematic way, which results...
Jun 19, 20233 min read
Day 2: Train the model with gradient descent
previously, we saw visualizations of the cost function J and how we can try different choices of parameters w,b and see what cost value...
Jun 16, 20232 min read
Day 1: Cost Function (examples)
yesterday's recap: we looked at a brief introduction to Machine Learning, linear regression, the model function, and cost function. We...
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